Development Process

The main activity of our company is the implementation and performance of a full cycle of actions in the field of development projects in the Czech Republic. In developing development projects, our company relies on its successful experience, marketing research and statistics, as well as the creativity of its employees and partners. This approach is the rule for us, which allows our investors to get high and stable profits. Being in this area – we understand the needs of the market, which allows us to make our projects most effective, both for the investor and for the final consumer.
  1. Determination of the budget and approval of the financial model of the project.

    Determining the budget is one of the basic factors in determining the type of project, as well as developing a financial model that will be most effective in terms of implementation and profitability. (For example: construction of a residential complex, office building or country houses).
  2. Object acquisition process.

    Preparation of documentation for the re-registration of the object’s ownership, verification of cadastral purposes and the preparation of contractual documentation, legal and accounting audit of the object. (For example: plot, building, etc.)
  3. Designing an object and preparing a marketing strategy.

    Organization and preparation of project documentation based on the general concept and financial model of the object. Optimization of the object by architects to achieve the best efficiency of the entire project. Coordination and definition of a marketing plan and strategy, options for implementing a marketing goal. Setting the parameters of promotion and advertising.
  4. Construction and engineering documentation. Obtaining construction permits.

    A set of actions for the production of design and engineering documentation, separate coordination with various government departments, the result of which is obtaining a building permit or changing the general plan with the subsequent obtaining a building permit.
  5. Construction process.

    Tender definition of the contractor, as well as coordination and control by technical supervision. Establishment of timing, rules and frequency of control. Start of construction work.
  6. Project realization and final inspection by government department.

    Coordination with the state authorities and the state commission regarding the final inspection of the project. Preparation of input and operational documentation. Execution of the project realization, organization of a full cycle of sales processes and the transfer of real estate to buyers after the final inspection certificate is obtained .