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Types of commercial real estate in Prague

Commercial real estate is one of the most sought-after segments for investing in Prague. Experts say that every year the number of entrepreneurs who buy real estate to resell or develop their own business in the Czech Republic increases several times. This trend will continue to gain momentum.

The development of this market is directly related to global trends that we can observe in the economy. Most entrepreneurs are interested in scaling up the business, opening representative offices in large European cities. If you decide to buy commercial property in Prague, you are making the right decision, since the city is the most attractive for investment in comparison with other European capitals.

Commercial real estate in Prague: types and features

To successfully choose a property that will quickly pay off and bring high profitability, it is necessary to compare them and analyze the development prospects of a particular object. You can buy commercial property in Prague based on the direction of your business development. The following types of commercial real estate are the most popular in the Czech capital:

  • office premises: according to experts, over the past few years, the demand for the construction of business centers has increased several times. There is a tendency when the demand for office space exceeds the supply that exists on the market. Even before the start of construction, a significant area of ​​office space already has its landlords. This is due to the active development of a business that provides services, for example, IT companies, call centers, tourism.
  • restaurant and hotel business: investments in acquiring restaurant premises are the most popular among foreigners. You can also purchase a hotel that is already working. It is important to know that the cost of these objects varies depending on the location, for example, in the center of Prague you can buy a restaurant 3-4 times more expensive than on the outskirts of the capital.
  • retail premises: if you want to open a branch of your network of retail facilities, Prague is one of the best options. All conditions for successful business development are created here. Experts note that premises for retail facilities, which are located on the ground floors in new buildings, are in the greatest demand. retail premises.
  • industrial and warehouse buildings: logistics companies, wholesale developers – these are the key tenants of this type of real estate. Prague is characterized by a high percentage of foreign investment in this type of real estate.

Before buying a commercial property, we recommend that you consult with specialized specialists. Discover more opportunities to develop your business in Prague!

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